[reSIProcate] resiprocate IPv6 support (Windows XP)

Livio Torrero ltownmail at hotmail.it
Sun Mar 13 18:27:00 CST 2005

Hi all,
I'm trying to make SipIMP run with the "USE_IPV6" flag enblaed under Windows 
XP; I've compiled both the resiprcate library and SipIMP with that flag 
enabled and I've passed V6 as protocol type to the sipStack->addTransport 
method. When I launch SipIMP and I try to register to a proxy, it simply 
says "503 registration failed", but the user agent does not send to the 
network any Sip REGISTER message. I've tried using IPv4 and everything works 

Since I would like to run SipIMP using IPv6 and Win XP, can anybody help me 
to make it work?

Thanks, Livio.

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