[reSIProcate] UAS State Issue

Scott Godin slgodin at icescape.com
Mon Mar 7 15:08:07 CST 2005

For a UAS - In the teltel branch:

When the application calls accept() to send a 200, the onConnected callback
is called.  The time between this callback and receiving the ACK from the
other party, opens up an interval, where you cannot call provideOffer (or
refer), since the state machine is in the UAS_Accepted state, until the ACK


This appears to be handled (at lead in the providedOffer) case for
re-Invites, with a WaitingToOffer state.  If provideOffer is called in
UAS_Accepted - we should consider either transitioning to WaitToOffer or
adding a UAS_WaitToOffer state.  





Scott Godin

Research and Development

Computer Talk Technology

slgodin at icescape.com

905-882-5000 and 'Say my name' or x127


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