[reSIProcate] (no subject)

david Butcher david at purplecomm.com
Wed Mar 2 17:17:32 CST 2005

Hi all,

I'd like to have a conference call to discuss interface changes to DUM. Some
various subsets of us have kicked some ideas around, but since the changes may
be substantial, and not likely backward compatible, and my style of interface
often raises eyebrows, perhaps you would like to participate.

How about some time this weekend?

Some likely issues:
 - threading
 - type safety
 - handle/handled collapse
 - point of handle return
 - multiple 200s to INVITE
 - REFER support, etc.
 - ...?

Realistically, we will be discussing requirements more than implementation, but
bring your bullhorn anyway.

Please let me know your level of interest and time availability. I'll coordinate
the time and provide conference details on the off chance that a quorum has
overlapping availability.


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