[reSIProcate] How to change port twice

Christian_Gavin at logitech.com Christian_Gavin at logitech.com
Thu Feb 24 12:37:49 CST 2005

Actually, I am trying to change the port it is listening on.

No problem to set the port on start up, but I am asking whether the stack
needs to be restarted to change the port to listen on, since there is no
RemoveTransport( ) method.


             Dan Weber                                                     
             <dan at mirrorlynx.c                                             
             om>  .                                                     To 
                                       Christian_Gavin at logitech.com        
             02/24/2005 07:20                                           cc 
             AM                        resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.o 
                                       Re: [reSIProcate] How to change     
                                       port twice                          

Are you trying to actually change the port its listening on, or to add a
port to listen on.  AddTransport should add another port to listen on.


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