[reSIProcate] Instant Messaging and DUM

andrea andrea at csp.it
Fri Feb 11 02:05:35 CST 2005

Dear Cullen,

thanks for your email. I solved my problem with Scott Godin help and I 
sent him a sample on it; if I'm not wrong, it's available on svn in 
b-teltel branch.
Now I'm trying to put presence and IM together in a simple client. I'm 
also looking howto put it into gaim. I'll start soon to look into gag. 
Do you have any information on it?
I'm also trying to build resiprocate with mingw but I've started only 
yesterday and I'm trying to solve some build error (but I'm not a mingw 


Cullen Jennings wrote:
> Hi Andy, 
> I'm not sure that there is an example for this yet (or I don't know of a
> good one). Right now I have been doing IM using the TuIM class which was
> written long before DUM. I don't recommend using this - we want to deprecate
> it and replace it with a class with a similar interface that is written on
> top of DUM. 
> On 1/16/05 12:18 PM, "andy" <andrea at csp.it> wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>I'm working on an application for presence and Instant Messagin based on DUM.
>>Now, I've understood subscribe / notify mechanism, but I've a question about
>>I'm looking for an example or a "starting point" to try to undestand how send
>>and receive MESSAGE in an application based on DUM.
>>anyone can help me?
>>This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
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