[reSIProcate] Smarter accept header validation in dum?

Scott Godin slgodin at icescape.com
Wed Feb 2 14:15:52 CST 2005

I've completed making changes for this and have committed to the teltel
branch.  Supported MimeTypes are now Request specific.

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Godin 
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 4:08 PM
To: 'Scott Zuk'; resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: RE: [reSIProcate] Smarter accept header validation in dum?

I agree with you, and I like your suggestion.  I will add this to my task

For now - you could just disable Accept validation completely - by calling
profile method:
validateAcceptEnabled() = false;

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Zuk [mailto:szuk at telusplanet.net] 
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 1:23 AM
To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: [reSIProcate] Smarter accept header validation in dum?


I'm trying to get my dum based program to talk with windows messenger,
the way the dum handles accept header validation causes all subscribe 
requests sent by windows messenger to be rejected.

WM sends subscribes with an Accept header containing the mime types 
"text/xml+msrtc.pidf" "application/xpidf+xml" and "application/pidf+xml" in 
that order.  My app is set to reply using only "application/pidf+xml" so in 
theory this should be fine.  The problem though is that 
DialogUsageManager::validateAccept() sends a 406 failure on the first 
unrecognized mime type it sees, even if there is a valid one later in the 
list.  Is this the intended behaviour?

I think the dum should take into account the message type when determining 
valid accept mime types.  Adding a method to Profile that would allow 
something like
addSupportedMimeType(Mime("application", "pidf+xml"), SUBSCRIBE) might be 
usefull.  Are there any current plans to implement something like this in 

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