[reSIProcate] responses over TCP get lost when in the same pa cket

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at jasomi.com
Tue Jan 25 05:16:18 CST 2005

On Jan 24, 2005, at 01:30, Bayart Frederik wrote:

> The message is read entirely but not added to the fifo. The source 
> code is
> not very complicated. I will try to make some time this week to fix it.
> Frederik


I'm not sure we understood each other. I have included a patch in my 
previous email that SHOULD fix the problem. The remainder of the e-mail 
was background information to help you evaluate the patch and learn 
more about the Connection / MessageHeaderScanner interface.

Please apply the patch and see if it solves your problems.  I expect 
that it will. Without a test driver, I cannot test the defect you 
report easily . It will be easier for you to test it.

Best wishes,


a l a n a t j a s o m i d o t c o m

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