[reSIProcate] resiprocate on WINDOWS??

marco.aguilar at javeriana.edu.co marco.aguilar at javeriana.edu.co
Wed Jan 19 18:27:16 CST 2005


I havent realy found much info on the RESIPROCATE stack, so I was
wondering... can It be, Has it compiled, run.. on WINDOWS? ... do you
have to use VS .NET?? ... all I have is Windows 2000 Professional and
VS 6.0 ....

I'm actually choosing between sip stacks (oSIP+xoSIP, RESIPROCATE,
sipX)... but the more code they bring the better, because i dont want
to start form scratch ... the one that already has the phone is sipX ..
so Im just in the reading process so far,, if you could help me in this
regard i'd really appreciate it!

My ptoyect it's acctually simpler than it seems (a SIP phone only for a
LAN, that's it!, I dont have to address the entire RFC, so im needing a
STACK that makes it the faster and easier to develop... besides I will
have a an option at the end of the call that shows he entire signaling
that took place(it will be brief because the call was done on a LAN))

Thanks in advance,

Marco Aguilar

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