[reSIProcate] PresSvr crash

Christian_Gavin at logitech.com Christian_Gavin at logitech.com
Wed Jan 12 18:12:17 CST 2005


I am playing with the presSvr application. After a client issues a
SUBSCRIBE and the subscription expires, I am getting a crash...

Here is the stack trace. I am not very familiar with the code yet but it
looks like iter->second points to unused memory (0xfeeefeee).

Any hint?


presSvr.exe!SubDialogMgr::processExpirations()  Line 153    C++

  ExpirationMap_t::iterator iter = mExpirationMap.begin();
  while (( iter != mExpirationMap.end() ) && ( (iter->first) <= time(NULL)
>>    DialogMap_t::iterator dlgIter = mDialogMap.find(iter->second);
    if (dlgIter!=mDialogMap.end()
          && (dlgIter->second)->expires() <= time(NULL))


*,std::less<resip::Data>,std::allocator<std::pair<resip::Data const
,SubDialog *> >,0> >::find(const resip::Data & _Keyval={...})  Line 790 C++

      iterator find(const key_type& _Keyval)
            {     // find an element in mutable sequence that matches
>>          iterator _Where = lower_bound(_Keyval);
            return (_Where == end() || this->comp(_Keyval,
                  ? end() : _Where);


*,std::less<resip::Data>,std::allocator<std::pair<resip::Data const
,SubDialog *> >,0> >::lower_bound(const resip::Data & _Keyval={...})  Line
810 + 0xc   C++

      iterator lower_bound(const key_type& _Keyval)
            {     // find leftmost node not less than _Keyval in mutable
>>          return (_TREE_ITERATOR(_Lbound(_Keyval)));


*,std::less<resip::Data>,std::allocator<std::pair<resip::Data const
,SubDialog *> >,0> >::_Lbound(const resip::Data & _Keyval={...})  Line 992
+ 0x19      C++

      _Nodeptr _Lbound(const key_type& _Keyval) const
            {     // find leftmost node not less than _Keyval
            _Nodeptr _Pnode = _Root();
            _Nodeptr _Wherenode = _Myhead;      // end() if search fails

            while (!_Isnil(_Pnode))
>>                if (this->comp(_Key(_Pnode), _Keyval))


presSvr.exe!std::less<resip::Data>::operator()(const resip::Data &
_Left={...}, const resip::Data & _Right={...})  Line 140    C++

template<class _Ty>
      struct less
            : public binary_function<_Ty, _Ty, bool>
      {     // functor for operator<
      bool operator()(const _Ty& _Left, const _Ty& _Right) const
            {     // apply operator< to operands
            return (_Left < _Right);
>>          }


presSvr.exe!resip::Data::operator<(const resip::Data & rhs={...})  Line 491
+ 0x37      C++

Data::operator<(const Data& rhs) const
>>   int res = strncmp(mBuf, rhs.mBuf, resipMin(mSize, rhs.mSize));


presSvr.exe!strncmp(unsigned char * first=0x0037b124, unsigned char *
last=0xfeeefeee, unsigned long count=0x00000020)  Line 85   Asm

strncmp proc \
        uses edi esi ebx, \
        first:ptr byte, \
        last:ptr byte, \

        mov     ecx,[count]     ; cx=max number of bytes to compare
        jecxz   short toend     ; it's as if strings are equal

        mov     ebx,ecx         ; bx saves count

        mov     edi,[first]     ; di=first pointer (es=segment part)

        mov     esi,edi         ; si saves first pointer
        xor     eax,eax         ; ax=0
repne   scasb                   ; count bytes
        neg     ecx             ; cx=count - strlen
        add     ecx,ebx         ; strlen + count - strlen

        mov     edi,esi         ; restore first pointer
        mov     esi,[last]      ; si = last pointer
>> repe    cmpsb                   ; compare strings
        mov     al,[esi-1]
        xor     ecx,ecx         ; set return value = 0

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