[reSIProcate] question about IP and contact header

Jay Hogg jay at 2imagineit.net
Sat Jan 8 12:09:34 CST 2005

I'd like to echo Andy's question and add another piece to the question 
since I've
run into the same questions recently.

The generation of a contact URI depends on knowing the interface it 
arrived on,
or if you are doing a B2BUA, the interface you are going to send it on to
create a new contact. This carries over to generating SDP messages if 
you also
have that within your application.

Given this, is binding to INADDR_ANY in a true application even a wise 
idea since
you need to know the *interface*/domain it arrived on and not just the 
source tuple?

Breaking this down:

1) Is binding to INADDR_ANY by *default* a wise idea? It's great in 
test/demo apps
but I don't believe it is wise for true applications.

2) Is a "helper" class worthwhile that given a tuple (source or 
destination) it can
generate/translate to a local contact URI that is IP-based or domain based?


andy wrote:

>Hi all,
>I’ve a question about IP address function available in reciprocate stack. In
>particular, I’m looking a function which enumerates all IP available in a host.
>Before writing my one, I’d understand if there is one into the stack.
>I need this function to generate a contact uri. I know the stack generate
>contact used for registrations, but I need a contact to put it into notify
>tuples. I can extract it also from ClientRegistration but if a user is using
>several devices, I need IP to select the right one….
>Let me know if I’m wrong.
>If you have any suggestion, you’re welcome
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