[reSIProcate] windows updated vs.net files

andrea andrea at csp.it
Wed Jan 5 04:32:39 CST 2005

Dear All, dear Klaus,

you can find in attachment basicCall.cxx and basicRegister.cxx. I build 
them with vs.net 2003 with SSL support.
Into project file, I changed the option library runtime and I’m using 
DLL Multithread (/MD) (or debug version, /MDd) to avoid a linking 
problem due to openssl.

Into files, I’ve changed (you can find my changes looking for “ANDREA”):
-	basicCall.cxx: using namespace std; and I defined a 
TestInviteSessionHandler:: onForkDestroyed;
-	basicRegister.cxx: using namespace std;

Now, I’m spending my time trying to understand DUM and SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY 
mechanism. If anyone has suggestions or simple programs, you’re welcome!


Klaus Darilion wrote:
> andy wrote:
>> ...
>> in the next days I'll also check test program in winxp platform.
> cool - I'm waiting eagerly.
> reagards,
> klaus

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