[reSIProcate] Memory leaks

Dmitry Semyonov dsemyonov at dins.ru
Tue Dec 21 11:04:01 CST 2004


I see several memory leaks with the r3746 version of reSIProcate
on Windows platform:

1. It seems ares_destroy() is never called, although it has to be, 
according to the code. Probably, this is due to misconfiguration of my 
project settings... Does anybody else see this leak?

2. A message created inside the following function is never deleted.

DumTimeout::clone() const
   return new DumTimeout(*this);

The function is called from within

SipStack::postMS(const ApplicationMessage& message, unsigned int ms)
   Message* toPost = message.clone();
   Lock lock(mAppTimerMutex);
   mAppTimers.add(Timer(ms, toPost));

and the message is added then to some kind of TimerQueue.

Can someone familiar with the above code look into this problem?


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