[reSIProcate] Recent updates to DNS code

Dmitry Semyonov dsemyonov at dins.ru
Wed Dec 8 07:56:02 CST 2004


I encountered two issues with r3740 version of reSIProcate.

1. Calls to IP addresses (as opposed to domain names) result in 
assertion inside .\TransactionState.cxx, line 1275

(BTW, what parameters should I set up for getting something 
meaningful instead of "target=[ V4 UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT" in 
the log?)

2. The following code crashes reSIProcate when log level is set to 

AresDns::errorMessage(long errorCode)
   char* errmem=0;
   ares_strerror(errorCode, &errmem);

   int len = strlen(errmem);

ares_strerror() does not update errmem, but rather returns pointer to 
const char (should it be declared as static const?). (So, 
ares_free_errmem() should not be used for the pointer).

Derek, AFAIR it is yours. Could you fix the issues?


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