[reSIProcate] Datatype Misalignment exception in resiprocate.lib on a PocketPC device

Cullen Jennings fluffy at cisco.com
Sun Dec 5 14:48:52 CST 2004

We only use dynamic casts on a few different classes in the stack. I was
just going to add a virtual function called something like "getType" to each
of these classes then go and replace the dynamic cases with calls to the
getType function followed by static casts if the type was correct.

On 12/5/04 7:07 AM, "唐 荣兴" <yaotangbb at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you for your answers very muach.
> My first big problem with pocketpc 2003 is iostream. Embedded vc does not
> support it. But i have replaced iostream and solved this problem with
> string, 
> I thought I have almost been crowned with success , but had not thought of
> meeting this difficult problem that embedded product development was often
> met(Datatype Misalignment).
> Can you tell me the detail of solve this problem?
> Thanks & Best Regards!
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