[reSIProcate] Datatype Misalignment exception in resiprocate.lib on a PocketPC device

Jason Fischl jason at purplecomm.com
Thu Dec 2 01:44:29 CST 2004

唐 荣兴 wrote:
> First of all , thank you for your replies very much ;I feel the wrong 
> reason is perhaps dynamic_cast,But I do not know how to get rid of this 
> mistake.

I did some poking around. It is possible that WinCE does not support
dynamic_cast. I think that it is supported in WinCE.NET though. Which
compiler are you using?

> I debug the result roughly as follows:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
> Datatype MisAlignment Debug
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
> request->header(h_To) = to;
> -->defineHeader(To);
> // SipMessage.cxx
> // resip::SipMessage::header(const resip::To_Header & {...}, 
> //                           resip::HeaderFieldValueList * 0x0164fa4c) 
> line 1277 + 108 bytes
> -->defineHeader(To, "To", NameAddr);
> // Headers.cxx
> -->HeaderFieldValueList* SipMessage::ensureHeaders(Headers::Type type, 
> bool single)
> -->ParserContainerBase* getParserContainer() const {return 
> mParserContainer;}
> -->defineHeader(To, "To", NameAddr);
> -->ParserContainer(HeaderFieldValueList* hfvs,
>                   Headers::Type type = Headers::UNKNOWN)
>        : ParserContainerBase(type)
> -->void setParserContainer(ParserContainerBase* parser) 
> {mParserContainer = parser;}
> -->void setParserContainer(ParserContainerBase* parser) 
> {mParserContainer = parser;}
> -->c:\mckendric\private\winceos\coreos\core\corelibc\crtw32\rtti.cpp
> __RTDynamicCast:
> __RTDynamicCast(void *,                 long 1083744,                 
> void * 0x00000000,                 void * 0x000c901c class 
> resip::ParserContainerBase `RTTI Type Descriptor',                 int 
> 0) line 121 + 20 bytes
> --- 
> c:\mckendric\private\winceos\coreos\core\corelibc\crtw32\rtti\rtti.cpp  
> ------------
> __RTDynamicCast:
> 2A0AE6B0   mov       r12, sp
> 2A0AE6B4   stmdb     sp!, {r0 - r3}
> 2A0AE6B8   stmdb     sp!, {r4 - r8, r11, r12, lr}
> 2A0AE6BC   add       r11, sp, #0x20
> 2A0AE6C0   sub       sp, sp, #0x3C
> $L16273:
> 2A0AE6C4   mov       r5, r0
> 2A0AE6C8   mov       r4, r1
> 2A0AE6CC   mov       r8, r2
> 2A0AE6D0   mov       r6, r3
> 2A0AE6D4   cmp       r5, #0
> 2A0AE6D8   moveq     r4, #0
> 2A0AE6DC   moveq     r0, r4
> 2A0AE6E0   ldmeqdb   r11, {r4 - r8, r11, sp, pc}
> $L16253:
> 2A0AE6E4   mov       r0, r5
> 2A0AE6E8   bl        |FindCompleteObject (2a0ae898)|
> Thank you very much;Best regards to you!
> Steven Tang
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