[reSIProcate] subversion best practice

Shaun Dawson scdawson at gmail.com
Wed Dec 1 16:30:26 CST 2004


  Thanks so much for the pointers.  Once I get things working, I'll
get Wiki access, and write a quick doc about it.

  Right now, I have two problems:

  If I use the autotools, it fails when it tries to run libtool with
the --tag=CXX option, reporting that --tag=CXX is an unrecognized
option.  (This is a RH9 system, and I had to upgrade automake and
autoconf to get it to work at all, so it's entirely possible that
libtool is some old version, but I haven't figured out how to upgrade

  If I use the Makefile, then I fail as follows:
undefined reference to `resip::ParameterHash::in_word_set(char const*,
In function `resip::getMethodType(char const*, int)':
undefined reference to `resip::MethodHash::in_word_set(char const*,
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Any ideas?  Before I start trying to isolate why I don't seem to have
MethodHash::in_word_set, is it possible that the repository is in an
uncompilable state?


On Wed, 1 Dec 2004 10:34:37 -0700, Alan Hawrylyshen <alan at jasomi.com> wrote:
> On Dec 1, 2004, at 10.11, Shaun Dawson wrote:
> > Folks,
> >
> >   Sorry for the dumb newbie questions, but what's the best practice
> > for checking out resiprocate for the purposes of fiddling around and
> > writing client programs?
> >
> >   Should I use http://scm.sipfoundry.org/rep/resiprocate? or
> > http://scm.sipfoundry.org/rep/resiprocate/main?
> >
> >   If I use /resiprocate, is main the branch that I should decend into
> > and compile?
> Wow! Checking out /resiprocate (and not /resiprocate/main) would result
> it a LOT of code.  I don't recommend it.  From a best practice point of
> view it makes sense to checkout just /main.
> >
> >   Should I copy the branch I'm interested into a directory external to
> > my subversion working directory for compiling?  If so, is there an
> > automated way of doing that (in the Makefile, for instance)?
> >
> No, in general, there are two current approaches*, 1/3 the reSIProcate
> community uses the Makefile and files in build/ to do the building, 1/3
> run the use-autotools.sh script and then autogen.sh.
> (1/3 use Windows or Mac so they use the VC or IDE files).
> If you DO use the autotools method, you can (after running
> use-autotools.sh and autogen.sh) make a clean compile directory. Around
> here, we build with:
> svn co https://scm.resiprocate.org/rep/resiprocate/main
> cd sip
> sh use-autotools.sh
> (Ignore SVN errors)
> sh autogen.sh
> mkdir compile
> cd compile
> ../configure --enable-ipv6 --disable-elog --disable-static ...
> make
> 'make install' isn't quite ready for prime-time. We are working on this
> at Jasomi and will try to 'clean-up' the headers and deps so that
> resiprocate can be installed in a system-friendly way.
> >   Lastly, I've been all around the website and wiki, and haven't found
> > this aspect of things very well documented.  It seems like the
> > documentation was geared towards folks who already know what is going
> > on.  Is there documentation that I'm not aware of that covers this
> > sort of thing (a downloading and compile HOWTO, for example)?  If not,
> > I'm in a good position to write some, as I'm coming from a position of
> > complete ignorance.  What's the best place for that, the Wiki?  Would
> > that be useful?
> >
> Sigh. You are very right. We have a dearth of get started doc. (We have
> a doc shortage in general).  We'd love your contributions to the Wiki
> and I (personally) think this is the 'right' place for them, but we
> need to agree on the formal home / policy of the wiki going forward...
> I know what Sipfoundry and the resiprocate project need to agree on the
> look & feel issues and support issues around the Wiki.  Certainly any
> content in the Wiki will be migrated to the ultimate solution -- so it
> will not be effort wasted.
> > (Warning: If the answer is yes, be prepared for an onslaught of even
> > dumber questions as I try to formalize what puny knowledge I have
> > managed to amass :))
> >
> I consider ourselves happily warned.
> > thanks,
> >   Shaun
> >
> No, Thank you.
> * We've been 1/2 baked on the autotools issue for far too long. We
> (Jasomi) currently have someone fixing it up and getting it fix for use
> according to a game-plan that was decided on in a conference call
> around 9 months ago.  Hopefully by the December tarball release date
> we'll have it sorted out).
> Alan Hawrylyshen
> reSIProcate Project Administrator
> http://resiprocate.org/
> a l a n a t j a s o m i d o t c o m

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