[reSIProcate] Incorrect define

kaiduan xie kaiduanx at yahoo.ca
Wed Dec 1 13:02:42 CST 2004


I donot use RegistrationPersistenceManager class for
presence and IM. For presence and IM, please see
ClientSubscription, ServerSubscription,
ClientPagerMessage, and ServerPagerMessage class. The
function of presence and IM in DUM is completed, it is
easy to use.


 --- Christian_Gavin at logitech.com wrote: 
> I was browsing through the code to look at the
> presence mechanism, and I
> noticed the file RegistrationPersistenceManager.hxx,
> though the class is
> empty, has the following header
> #if
> shouldn't it be the following?
> #if
> However It doesn't seem that this file is included /
> used yet so I am just
> being picky :-)
> Also, how much of the DialogUsageManager
> implementation is ready for
> subscribe / publish / IM ?
> Thanks,
> CG
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