[reSIProcate] Suggestion to replace GetSystemTime() with GetT ickCount() on Windows

Scott Godin slgodin at icescape.com
Fri Nov 26 08:55:30 CST 2004

Thanks for pointing this out Kaiduan.

Note:  GetTickCount returns a 32bit unsigned int representing the number of
MS since the system was started.

I believe this solution will work - even when the count wraps after 49.7
days.  But there are some problems: 
1.  the method names getSystemTime is no longer accurate
2.  the method getTimeMicroSec - will no longer have microsecond resolution

I would like to get this issue solved - so maybe a change in the method
names and some new methods are required.  Does anyone know if UNIX or other
OSs support a similar call?  ie. one that is not dependant on the System

Note:  This problem is also a concern for systems running NTP clients as NTP
clients can adjust the system clock and skew resip timers.

-----Original Message-----
From: kaiduan xie [mailto:kaiduanx at yahoo.ca] 
Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2004 6:01 PM
To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: [reSIProcate] Suggestion to replace GetSystemTime() with
GetTickCount() on Windows

Hi, all,

Today while running my DUM based SIP client, a friend
changed my system time to backward, i.e., change from
Nov 25 to Nov 24. And the SIP client didnot re-fresh
the registration anymore. After reviewing the Timer
class, and I found it is using GetSystemTime() and
this is the reason. The re-registration timer will
expire one day later! It is better to use the system
startup time instead of the wall-clock time, so please
change GetSystemTime to GetTickCount() for Windows. I
tested with the GetTickCount and found that there is
no problem.

Any comments are welcome.


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