[reSIProcate] Compilation error in latest code

Kenneth Ho kenho at bluebottle.com
Sat Nov 20 13:55:38 CST 2004

Alan Hawrylyshen wrote:

> On Nov 19, 2004, at 19:37, david Butcher wrote:
>> Changes to Data are a cause for alarm. I made two changes recently 
>> and should
>> fess up.
>> 1. Removed the memsets on the internal buffer. They were gratuitous.
> Explain how they were gratuitous?  Are you now relying on linux's 
> zero-new-page property? (Unlike, but just want to confirm.)

Because it's gratuitous to set the memory to zeros, if it was never used 
or before it's used.
void foo ()
    int v = 0;   // gratuitous
    v = errno;

If it's used, other functions would set it up properly on demand.

>> 2. Generalized the Take/Share enum to include Borrow. Borrow is used to
>> indicate that the Data is using a writable but not owned buffer. 
>> Borrow is used
>> to indicate that the internal buffer is being used. Borrow also 
>> allows Datas to
>> be created that use stack memory rather than heap memory.
> I 'take' it that you also implemented the behaviour described? Any 
> issues or use notes that might affect or benefit other Data users?

I haven't looked into the new code, but according to my last 
conversation with David on this issue, they are implemented already.

> Thanks
> A
> a l a n a t j a s o m i d o t c o m
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