[reSIProcate] Profile/Identity Work

Scott Godin slgodin at icescape.com
Wed Nov 17 16:10:49 CST 2004

There doesn't really seem to be any opposition on this concept from previous
postings - but I just wanted to repost some of these ideas in greater
detail.  I'll be starting work on this shortly.
Header files outlining the reorganization of the current Profile.hxx are
attached.  Check them out first.
Sample usage of Profiles/Identities:
1.  MasterProfile is created
2.  All UA defaults are set on this class. 
3.  MasterProfile is set on the DialogUsageManager::setMasterProfile -
(note:  old setProfile method is depricated).
4.  Some applications will stop here and all settings will just be used from
the MasterProfile.
5.  Application creates a profile for Proxy1 and sets settings appropriately
- the MasterProfile is specified in the consructor for fall through
6.  Application creates a profile for Proxy2 and sets settings appropriately
- the MasterProfile is specified in the consructor for fall through
7.  Application creates an Identity for User1 and specifies Proxy1 in the
constructor for fall through settings.  Digest credentials and other
settings are set.
8.  Application creates an Identity for User2 and specifies Proxy1 in the
constructor for fall through settings.  Digest credentials and other
settings are set.
9.  Application creates an Identity for User3 and specifies Proxy2 in the
constructor for fall through settings.  Digest credentials and other
settings are set.
Application calls makeInviteSession(target, User1, initialOffer, appDs) to
create a call using settings from User1's Indentity->Proxy1->MasterProfile.
If 0 is provided as the Identity to use then the MasterProfile is assigned
as the Identity for this DialogSet.
DUM calls overloaded AppDialogSet constructor - and application sets User3
so that settings for this DialogSet are from User3's
If Application does not overload constructor or does not set Identity, then
the MasterProfile is assigned as the Identity for this DialogSet by default.
For thought Reference:  Currently the profile is used in the following
classes - they will need to be modifed to fetch the set Identity from the
1.  BaseCreator::makeInitialRequest - this one will actually be changed to
have the Identity passed in
2.  ClientInviteSession::dispatch
3.  ClientRegistration::addBinding
4.  Dialog::makeRequest
5.  DialogSet::findDialog - looseToTagMatching is used here
6.  DialogUsageManager::makeXXXX - Identity to be passed in here
7.  InviteSession::makeFinalResponse
8.  InviteSession::handleSessionTimerxxx
9.  InviteSession::dispatch
10.  InviteSessionCreator
11.  ServerOutOfDialogReq - this actually only needs the MasterProfile
12.  DialogUsageManager::send, ::process, ::validatexxx, ::mergeRequest, ...
13.  ClientAuthManager::handleAuthHeader - called from Dialog::dispatch and
Let me know if you have any concerns.
Scott Godin
Research and Development
Computer Talk Technology
slgodin at icescape.com
905-882-5000 and 'Say my name' or x127
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