[reSIProcate] Minor suggestion to use ++i instead of i++

Cullen Jennings fluffy at cisco.com
Tue Nov 16 10:09:40 CST 2004

This has been educational for me. Thanks

On 11/8/04 2:39 AM, "Derek MacDonald" <derek at xten.com> wrote:

> The only time that there should be a difference between ++i & i++ is if the
> return value is used as an l-value.  I tested this with vc++ in release.
> Here's the code:
> int main()
> {
>    typedef list<int> ListOfIntegers;
>    ListOfIntegers vals(100, 10);
>    ListOfIntegers::iterator i;
>    int j=0;
>    for( i=vals.begin(); i != vals.end(); )
>    {   
>  i++;
>  ++i;
>  ListOfIntegers::iterator unusedlvalue = i++;
>  ListOfIntegers::iterator lvalue = i++;
>       j = j+5;
>  j = j + *lvalue;
>    }
>    return j;
> }
> Here's the disassembly of the code inside the for loop:
>    {   
>  i++;
> 00401860  mov         ecx,dword ptr [eax]
>  ++i;
> 00401862  mov         eax,dword ptr [ecx]
>  ListOfIntegers::iterator unusedlvalue = i++;
> 00401864  mov         eax,dword ptr [eax]
>  ListOfIntegers::iterator lvalue = i++;
> 00401866  mov         ecx,eax
> 00401868  mov         eax,dword ptr [eax]
> 0040186A  cmp         eax,esi
>       j = j+5;
>  j = j + *lvalue;
> 0040186C  mov         ecx,dword ptr [ecx+8]
> 0040186F  lea         edi,[edi+ecx+5]
> 00401873  jne         main+40h (401860h)
>    }
> Which matched what I thought; the compiler even distinguished between cases
> when the l-value was used and when it wasn't.
> With map<int, int>, things are a little more complicated; the disassembly
> looks very similar except for a lea instruction; i++ actually has 1 less
> instruction than ++i in the dissambly(30 vs 31), and there is lea in
> different places, but I suspect this is well into compiler optimization
> land, and not much to do with the prefix vs postfix; somebody who knows more
> assembly can play with the map result & verify this.
> In conclusion, the ++i vs i++ look like folklore, at least on vc++, and
> barring strong profiling results I don't think we should worry about it.

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