[reSIProcate] Re: InviteSession spec questions

Rohan Mahy rohan at ekabal.com
Mon Nov 8 19:01:17 CST 2004


On Nov 8, 2004, at 19:50, Jason Fischl wrote:
> Hi Robert and Rohan,
> Derek and I have a few questions that shouldn't take you too long but 
> we are a bit blocked on these issues right now.
> Is it valid to send a provisional response (1xx) to a reINVITE?
> If so, what would this mean? If 1xx to reINVITE is allowed, does this 
> mean the UAC would ever want to send a CANCEL to a reINVITE?

> What should dum do if acting as a UAC it reINVITEs, doesn't get a 
> response (other than 100) and the application asks to end the invite 
> session. My take is that it should create a timer (64 x T1), wait for 
> the response to the reINVITE or the timer to fire (whichever comes 
> first) and send BYE.
no need to wait.  you only need to wait if you want to change the 
session description and you already have an offer or answer exchange in 

> Does the application need a way to end specific ClientInviteSessions 
> that are in the early state? Consider an INVITE that forked and 
> created two ClientInviteSessions with 1xx. The application can send a 
> CANCEL which will end both usages. If we provide an end interface on 
> the specific usage, should it send a BYE on the early dialog? 
> Otherwise, what will it mean to end a specific early dialog?
It seems useful, but I can't think of a specific application that does 
this.  Perhaps this is just an audio specific view, and that video or 
text clients would be much more likely to have a UI where you might 
cancel specific early dialogs.

> I am proposing that a usage NOT be created when a 100 is received. The 
> usage(s) would be created after 1xx or 2xx is received. If a CANCEL is 
> sent and no 487 is received, who should be responsible for cleaning up 
> the ClientInviteSessions in the early state?

I think you can actually put the client state machine in terminated 
even if you don't get the 487.  The "preterminated" state may need to 
run a timer to wait for incoming messages, but I think you are in 
pretty good shape here.

> Presumably, the DialogSet could create a timer and clean up any 
> remaining usages. How long should this timer be?
32 secs?


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