[reSIProcate] Resiprocate Info

Cullen Jennings fluffy at cisco.com
Tue Nov 2 18:57:27 CST 2004

few inline

On 10/19/04 2:53 PM, "Alex Rootham" <alex at blueslice.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm new to resiprocate, and I've browsed my way through the
> documentation provided.  I have several questions about what it is, what
> it provides, how it works, and how to get it started and running.
> 1) General Questions about what it is, what it provides.
> - what is the current status of resiprocate?  How active is development?

very active development - many people using it.

> - is there a fully-functional Proxy/B2BUA/Presence-Serverf available?

There are versions of all of the above built with it - mostly not open

> - is there a well-known company that provides support (e.g. for $) for
> resiprocate?

Don't know. Anyone will support it for enough $$$ :-)

> Basically I'm wondering if this is a very nice UAC/UAS implementation,
> or if server/client behaviour has to be built on top of it.
It has been used for Proxy, B2BUA, and UA

> 2) Basic issues with Downloading, compiling
> 2a) I tried getting the source from subversion, but when I try to browse
> the database using http://scm.sipfoundry.org/viewsvn/resiprocate/ as the
> URL, I get a "305 Moved Permanently" error.  What is the URL that I can
> use to get resiprocate code?

weird - that URL just worked for me but try


> 2b) I then tried downloading the tar from
> http://www.sipfoundry.org/pub/resiprocate/ and building (on Solaris).  I
> noticed that these files are about 6 months old.

This is really old - we need to make a new one

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