[reSIProcate] dum-based client instability - Application Time r not thread safe

Scott Godin slgodin at icescape.com
Mon Nov 1 08:43:01 CST 2004

If we go with option 3, maybe we will still need to put a lock around the
app timer queue.  Since some app timers may be started from the stack thread
and/or the application thread.  ie.  InviteSession::send().

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Fischl [mailto:jason at purplecomm.com] 
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 6:59 AM
To: david Butcher
Cc: Resiprocate
Subject: Re: [reSIProcate] dum-based client instability - Application Timer
not thread safe

I've already implemented most of option 3 - although not the timer 
wheel. Will check it in tomorrow.

david Butcher wrote:

>Might want to consider choice 3 and (eventually) use a timer wheel since
>timers associated with the stack are bounded.
>>Hi all,
>>I think I finally figured out why our dum-based client is unstable. 
>>Shortly after we implemented dum, ApplicationTimers were added to 
>>resiprocate. These use the same TimerQueue that the stack uses. 
>>Unfortunately, the TimerQueue assumes that all timers are inserted from 
>>the same thread - specifically from the TransactionState. So when the 
>>application/dum (in our case running in a separate thread) calls 
>>SipStack::post, this is an unsafe call.
>>Here are a few possible solutions:
>>1) mutex around mTimers access
>>2) when posting ApplicatioMessage in future (timers), put in a fifo so 
>>the Stack thread can do the work
>>3) put the AppTimers in a separate Application TimerQueue
>>I think option 1 is not a good idea since most timers are created by the 
>>stack (by TransactionState). I'm leaning towards option 2 and will try 
>>implementing this one shortly.
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>>resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org

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