[reSIProcate] replaces in inbound INVITE

Scott Godin slgodin at icescape.com
Wed Oct 6 15:27:23 CDT 2004

Hi Derek,
I see that the replaces header is handled, when a REFER is received and you
use makeInviteSessionFromRefer to create the outbound INVITE request.  But
how should an app use the DUM api to match an inbound INVITE that contains a
replaces header?  It looks like the DUM will create a new Invite Session for
this request, instead of "replacing" the old one.  If that's that case
should an app then call findInviteSession(CallId replaces) to get the
replaced InviteSessionHandle and handle the "replacement" from the within
the application only.
There is a comment in the findInviteSession function:
   //486/481 decision making logic where?  App may not wish to keep track of
   //invitesession state
Can you elaborate on it?  What is the purpose of the 2nd (int - 481) in the
pair that is returned.
Thanks for your help,
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