[reSIProcate] compile error with makeInvite

Dominique Prunier dominique.prunier at micromedia-int.com
Wed Sep 22 02:19:10 CDT 2004


Indeed, everything seems easyer with DUM :)
Have a look to basicCall.cxx in the test folder of DUM, this a good example.
For your problem, simply remove the '&' cause makeInvite wants references,
not addresses.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Samphel Norden" <samphel at arl.wustl.edu>
To: <resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 11:13 PM
Subject: [reSIProcate] compile error with makeInvite

> I have been trying to create an Invite message and I guess I have 2
> options, either to use DUM and call makeInviteSession() or use
> Helper::makeInvite. I have tried the latter and get the following error
> for the line:
> SipMessage &InviteMessage = Helper::makeInvite(&target,&from,&contact);
> where target from and contact are of type Nameaddr. Could you please tell
> me how to resolve this. The error is shown below:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> error C2665: 'resip::Helper::makeInvite' : none of the 2 overloads can
> convert parameter 1 from type 'const resip::NameAddr *__w64 '
>         C:\code\resiprocate\main\sip\resiprocate\Helper.hxx(42): could be
> 'resip::SipMessage *resip::Helper::makeInvite(const resip::NameAddr
> &,const resip::NameAddr &,const resip::NameAddr &)'
>         while trying to match the argument list '(const resip::NameAddr
> *__w64 , resip::NameAddr *__w64 , resip::NameAddr *__w64 )'
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  If someone has some code that uses makeInviteSession instead it would be
> better since I am not clear how to initialise the SdpContents *
> initialOffer variable. Thats why I switched ot using just makeInvite().
> Thanks,
> Sam
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