[reSIProcate] TCP transport and BasicRegister test code

Samphel Norden samphel at arl.wustl.edu
Thu Sep 16 12:06:45 CDT 2004

I have gotten BasicRegister test code to create a register message using 
UDP and it seems to work fine. However, if I do an addTransport 
(TCP,...), it seems to fail as follows:

> INFO | 20040916-125813.389 | basicregister | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 1596 | 
> TransportSelector.cxx:143 | Adding transport: [ V4 
> TCP connectionId=0 ]
> INFO | 20040916-125813.389 | basicregister | RESIP:TEST | 1596 | 
> basicRegister.cxx:129 | REGISTER sip:x.y.z.SIP/2.0
> Generated register:
> REGISTER sip:x.y.z SIP/2.0
> To: norden_RESIP<sip:34 at x.y.z>
> From: <sip:34 at x.y.z>;tag=343fab3f
> Via: SIP/2.0/ ;branch=z9hG4bK-d87542-824792080-1--d87542-;rport
> Call-ID: e81a6f36bb26ee4b
> Contact: <sip:34>
> Expires: 70
> Max-Forwards: 70
> Content-Length: 0
> WARNING | 20040916-125813.500 | basicregister | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 1596 
> | TransportSelector.cxx:759 | Can't find matching transport [ V4 
> UDP connectionId=0 ]
> INFO | 20040916-125813.500 | basicregister | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 1596 | 
> TransportSelector.cxx:623 | tid=750192350 failed to find a transport 
> to [ V4 UDP connectionId=0 ] 

Somehow FindTransport () is looking for a UDP connection when I 
originally specified TCP. I thought FindTransport was not specific to 
UDP and would search over all transports. How do I force the stack to 
check for TCP.

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