[reSIProcate] Error 503: Ran out of DNS entries

Samphel Norden samphel at arl.wustl.edu
Wed Sep 15 14:45:24 CDT 2004

   While trying to run the Basicregister code included in the test 
directory, I get the following error, where x.y.z is the address of the 
sip proxy.

INFO | 20040915-154106.168 | basicRegister | RESIP:TRANSACTION | 1660 | 
TransactionState.cxx:1197 | Ran out of dns entries for x.y.z. Send 503
INFO | 20040915-154106.178 | basicRegister | RESIP:TEST | 1660 | 
basicRegister.cxx:55 | Client::Failure: SIP/2.0 503 Service Unavailable

I assume this is because the DNS part of the stack is not talking to the 
local DNS server. How should this be done?

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