[reSIProcate] DUM shutdown message processing

kaiduan xie kaiduanx at yahoo.ca
Tue Sep 14 23:38:30 CDT 2004


What is the purpose of AppDialogSet?

BTW, can you remove the following two methods from

findClientRegistration(DialogId id);
findServerRegistration(DialogId id);

Since there is no Dialog created for registration.



 --- Derek MacDonald <derek at xten.com> wrote: 
> > Another problem, if application allocates an
> > ApplDialogSet on heap, and forgets to delete it,
> the
> > DUM::shutdown() will never be called. In this way,
> the
> > application will hangup there.
> > 
> DUM will delete AppDialogSets(that are associated
> with a DialogSet) unless
> you overload the AppDialogSet::destroy method.
> If you are creating an AppDialogSet out of context,
> you have to clean it up
> yourself, but this isn't how AppDialogSet is meant
> to be used.
> --Derek

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