[reSIProcate] 'this' : used in base member initializer list

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at jasomi.com
Mon Sep 13 10:32:24 CDT 2004

On Sep 13, 2004, at 11:17, Scott Godin wrote:

> Derek, 
> [snip]
> 'this' : used in base member initializer list
> The this pointer is valid only within nonstatic member functions. It 
> cannot be used in the initializer list for a base class.
> The base-class constructors and class member constructors are called 
> before this constructor. In effect, you've passed a pointer to an 
> unconstructed object to another constructor. If those other 
> constructors access any members or call member functions on this, the 
> result will be undefined. You should using the this pointer until all 
> construction has completed.


If we are doing anything other than storing the value of the this 
pointer, then the code as written in non-portable and not language 
compliant -- in other words -- I think it merits looking at what's 
going on and refactoring it.


a l a n a t j a s o m i d o t c o m

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