[reSIProcate] Handling unanswered INVITE requests
Scott Godin
slgodin at icescape.com
Wed Sep 8 13:45:46 CDT 2004
Thanks Derek - unanswered invites that are not cancelled now work as
But there is still a problem in the cancel case. If you cancel an
unanswered invite - when the 408 eventually comes up from the stack then
this code in DialogSet::dispatch:
DebugLog ( << "### Calling CreateAppDialog ### " << msg);
ends up calling the Dialog destructor - which tries to delete mAppDialog -
but it has never been created (or initialized) and the code traps.
Any ideas on a fix?
- we could init mAppDialog to NULL - therefor the delete would be harmless
- we could create an AppDialog first
-----Original Message-----
From: Derek MacDonald [mailto:derek at xten.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 1:46 PM
To: 'Scott Godin'
Subject: RE: [reSIProcate] Handling unanswered INVITE requests
This is the same problem Dom was describing; lack of to tags in responses
from the stack. I have reciprocate bracnehd at the moment(but not DUM) so I
didn't notice this glitch.
Also, I going to talk with rjs about making dum more 2543 and erroneous tag
friendly; probably post on that sometime in the next 2 weeks.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott Godin [mailto:slgodin at icescape.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 7:13 AM
> To: 'Derek at xten.com'
> Subject: RE: [reSIProcate] Handling unanswered INVITE requests
> Derek,
> Did you get a chance to check this out, or at least verify if this is a
> bug
> or not?
> I fixed it by adding the following code to DialogSet::dispatch() - but I'm
> not sure if it is 100% correct:
> ...
> switch(resonse.header(h_CSeq).method())
> {
> case INVITE:
> case BYE:
> case ACK:
> if(response.header(h_To).exists(p_tag))
> {
> break; // dialog creating/handled by dialog
> }
> else
> {
> //throw away, informational status message
> eventually
> *** new if(m_Cancelled)
> *** new {
> *** new guard.destroy();
> *** new }
> return;
> }
> ...
> It is easily reproducible by just initiating an INVITE to a non existing
> CONTACT and don't use an outbound proxy - then call cancel() on the
> dialogset without receiving any responses. The 488 from the stack gets
> ignored by DUM.
> Thanks,
> Scott
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott Godin
> Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 9:57 AM
> To: 'Derek at xten.com'
> Subject: RE: [reSIProcate] Handling unanswered INVITE requests
> ...
> "The AppDialogSet will always be destroyed when the DialogSet is
> destroyed,
> which may be 32 seconds after cancel was called."
> Odd - my AppDialogSet is never getting destroyed - even after 32 seconds.
> As a result the
> My flow is:
> myAppDialogSet = new MyAppDialogSet(*dum, NULL));
> dum->send(dum->makeInviteSession(.., myAppDialogSet));
> ...
> myAppDialogSet->cancel();
> A log is attached (where cancel was never even called - but the log is
> very
> similar) - in the code it looks like DialogSet::dispatch doesn't handle
> the
> 488 INVITE response the stack generates, since it has no To tag - I could
> be
> wrong though.
> I didn't plan on going to Sipit - it's in Taipei right? Have you ever
> been?
> Is it worth while?
> I love to have a quick chat with you sometime via the phone - just to
> quickly talk about the DUM layer and your plans and timelines. If your OK
> with this my number is 1-800-410-1051 x127 (or just say Scott) - or send
> me
> your number.
> Thanks again!
> Scott
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