[reSIProcate] reInvite problem

Dominique Prunier dominique.prunier at micromedia-int.com
Wed Sep 1 06:04:47 CDT 2004


I have problem with incoming reinvite. I call a SipPhoneLite from DUM and it
sends me a reinvite. Since i dont want to accept it, in the onDialogModified
callback, i reject it with ish->send(ish->rejectDialogModification(488));
.SipPhoneLite sends me an ACK then and everything seems OK. The problem is
when i cancel this dialog, the BYE is never sent and is queued (apparently
because i m still in the ReInviting state in the InviteSession). Then, the
DUM can't be shutdown since this dialog cant be ended.. SipPhoneLite doest
react very well to the 488 but i think it should not disturb DUM that
I have an ethereal log and a (big!) resip log if it can help.

Thank you for your answer.

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