[reSIProcate] A bug in Timer.cxx

Scott Godin slgodin at icescape.com
Mon Aug 30 08:51:04 CDT 2004

GetSystemTime returns the current system date and time expressed in UTC.
SystemTimeToFileTime converts the SYSTEMTIME struct into a 64-bit date/time
value.  So effectively this is just like adding the date into the time code
that was there before.

-----Original Message-----
From: Cullen Jennings [mailto:fluffy at cisco.com] 
Sent: Sunday, August 22, 2004 10:17 PM
To: yuhuicai; ReSiprocate
Subject: Re: [reSIProcate] A bug in Timer.cxx

This looks like it just moved the bug from happening every 24 hours to
happening every 49 days. Don't you just want to add the date into the time
code that was there before? I may not understand what the current code does
- (my mac does not have the windows documentation :-)

On 7/24/04 3:57 AM, "yuhuicai" <yuhuicai at vip.163.com> wrote:

> The FILETIME structure is a 64-bit value representing the number of
> 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601.
> So, the value returned by li.QuadPart should be divided by 10:
> UInt64
> Timer::getSystemTime()
> {
>     assert( sizeof(UInt64) == 64/8 );
>     UInt64 time=0;
> #if defined(WIN32)
>     GetSystemTime( &t );
>     FILETIME ft;
>     SystemTimeToFileTime( &t, &ft);
>     li.LowPart = ft.dwLowDateTime;
>     li.HighPart = ft.dwHighDateTime;
>     time = li.QuadPart/10;
> #else
>     struct timeval now;
>     gettimeofday( &now , NULL );
>     //assert( now );
>     time = now.tv_sec;
>     time = time*1000000;
>     time += now.tv_usec;
> #endif
>     return time;
> }
>> I checked in a fix to the problem.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org
>>> [mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org]On Behalf
>>> Of yuhuicai
>>> Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 11:45 AM
>>> To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
>>> Subject: Re: RE: [reSIProcate] A bug in Timer.cxx
>>> You are right, "The return value wraps around to 0 every 2^32
>>> milliseconds, which is about 49.71 days", and the UINT64 is big
>>> enough to hold this value:
>>> 18446744073709551615 (2^64)
>>> 959220000000000000    (00:00:00, Jan, 2000)
>>> But is seems not easy to convert a SYSTEMTIME value to UINT64.
>>> Some month has 31 days, others have 30, 29, or 28 days.
>>>> I don't think the timeGetTime function in windows is going to do
>>>> what we want. It returns a system time in milliseconds and wraps around
>>>> every 49 days. The problem with this occurs in the wrap around cases.
>>>> Basically the same problem that you identified with the current
>>> code except
>>>> every 49 days instead of every 24 hours.
>>>> After reading the documentation on the SYSTEMTIME structure, it
>>> looks like
>>>> there is a way to get a 64 bit value directly from the result
>>> of the call to
>>>> GetSystemTime. This looks like the right thing to do.
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org
>>>>> [mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org]On Behalf
>>>>> Of yuhuicai
>>>>> Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 11:03 AM
>>>>> To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
>>>>> Subject: [reSIProcate] A bug in Timer.cxx
>>>>> I found a bug in Timer::getSystemTime() under windows system:
>>>>> UInt64
>>>>> Timer::getSystemTime()
>>>>> {
>>>>>     assert( sizeof(UInt64) == 64/8 );
>>>>>     UInt64 time=0;
>>>>> #if defined(WIN32)
>>>>>     SYSTEMTIME t;
>>>>>     GetSystemTime( &t );
>>>>>     time = (t.wHour*60+t.wMinute)*60+t.wSecond;
>>>>>     time = time*1000000;
>>>>>     time += t.wMilliseconds*1000;
>>>>> #else
>>>>>     struct timeval now;
>>>>>     gettimeofday( &now , NULL );
>>>>>     //assert( now );
>>>>>     time = now.tv_sec;
>>>>>     time = time*1000000;
>>>>>     time += now.tv_usec;
>>>>> #endif
>>>>>     return time;
>>>>> }
>>>>> This function uses t.wHour, t.wMinute, t.wSecond and
>>>>> t.wMilliseconds to produce a 64bit value. Assume at 23:59:40, the
>>>>> processServerInvite get a 200 msg and produce a
>>> TimerStaleServer timer:
>>>>> mController.mTimers.add(Timer::TimerStaleServer, mId, Timer::TS );
>>>>> this timer will be put into a multiset named TimerQueue::mTimers.
>>>>> The value returned by getSystemTime()/1000 is 82909000. 32000
>>>>> miliseconds later, the related TimerMessage object is supposed to
>>>>> be created:
>>>>>    for (std::multiset<Timer>::iterator i = mTimers.begin();
>>>>> //    i != mTimers.end();)
>>>>>         i != mTimers.upper_bound(now);)
>>>>>    {
>>>>>       if (i->mType != Timer::ApplicationTimer)
>>>>>       {
>>>>>          TimerMessage* t = new TimerMessage(i->mTransactionId,
>>>>> i->mType, i->mDuration);
>>>>>          // Leaked !ah! BUGBUG valgrind says leaked.
>>>>>          //  206884 bytes in 2270 blocks are definitely lost (...)
>>>>>          //     by 0x8178A20: operator new(unsigned)
>>>>>          //     by 0x80CDF75: resip::TimerQueue::process()
>>>>> (TimerQueue.cxx:63)
>>>>>          //     by 0x80F6A4B: resip::Executive::processTimer()
>>>>> (Executive.cxx:52)
>>>>>          //DebugLog (<< Timer::toData(i->mType) << " fired (" <<
>>>>> i->mTransactionId << ") adding to fifo");
>>>>>          mFifo.add(t);
>>>>>       }
>>>>>       else
>>>>>       {
>>>>>          //DebugLog(<< "ApplicationTimer " << *i->getMessage());
>>>>>          // application timer -- queue the payload message
>>>>>          assert(i->getMessage());
>>>>>          mFifo.add(i->getMessage());
>>>>>       }
>>>>>       mTimers.erase(i++);
>>>>>    }
>>>>> but this object will never be created until 24 hours later,
>>>>> because 23:59:40 add 32000 miliseconds is 00:00:12, the value
>>>>> returned by getSystemTime()/1000 is 12000. Since 12000 <
>>>>> 82909000, the supposed TimerMessage object won't be created until
>>>>> 24 hours later. This will let the associated transaction existed
>>>>> for about 24 hours and seems like a memory leak.
>>>>> To fix this bug, Timer::getSystemTime() should be changed:
>>>>> UInt64
>>>>> Timer::getSystemTime()
>>>>> {
>>>>>     assert( sizeof(UInt64) == 64/8 );
>>>>>     UInt64 time=0;
>>>>> #if defined(WIN32)
>>>>>     time = timeGetTime()*1000;
>>>>> #else
>>>>>     struct timeval now;
>>>>>     gettimeofday( &now , NULL );
>>>>>     //assert( now );
>>>>>     time = now.tv_sec;
>>>>>     time = time*1000000;
>>>>>     time += now.tv_usec;
>>>>> #endif
>>>>>     return time;
>>>>> }
>>>>> MSDN said: "The timeGetTime function retrieves the system time,
>>>>> in milliseconds. The system time is the time elapsed since
>>>>> Windows was started."
>>>>> So, the later time will > the former time.:)
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