[reSIProcate] DUM call transfer / makeRefer question

Klaus Darilion klaus.mailinglists at pernau.at
Fri Aug 27 02:24:31 CDT 2004

Hi Derek!

I'm still having problems to understand the usage of dum. How do I 
retrieve the InviteSession for the refer?

When I create the call with the following command, an InviteSession is 
created (somewhere inside dum).

    dumUac->send(dumUac->makeInviteSession(callerAor, uacAor, uac.sdp));

How do I retrieve the InviteSessionHandle in my main function? I did it 
by makeing a public member

    ClientInviteSessionHandle cish;

in the InviteSessionHandler and assign it when the call is connected:

     virtual void onConnected(ClientInviteSessionHandle cis, ...)
	 cish = cis;

Now, in my main function I use


to create the refer request. But I don't like this technique. Is there 
an other way to retrieve the InviteSessionHandle which is better in this 


Derek MacDonald wrote:
> Only in-dialog refer(InviteSession) has been implemented.  Look in
> InviteSession & InviteSessionHandler for 'documentation'.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org [mailto:resiprocate-
>>devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of Klaus Darilion
>>Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 2:29 PM
>>To: ReSiprocate-sipfoundry
>>Subject: [reSIProcate] DUM call transfer / makeRefer question
>>Im trying to write a small click-to-dial application based on
>>BasicCall.cxx. The application calls a destination and as soon as the
>>called party answers the call, my applications should send a REFER. I
>>if (uac.connected) {//"connected"will be set in virtual void onConnected
>>    NameAddr callerAor("sip:klaus.darilion at nic.at43.at");
>>    NameAddr referToAor("sip:klaus3000 at iptel.org");
>>    dumUac->send(dumUac->makeRefer(callerAor, uacAor, referToAor));
>>    uac.connected = false;
>>There is a declaration of makeRefer() in DialogUsageManager, but no
>>implementation. Is the call transfer feature still in development or do
>>I have to use any of the makeRefer() methodes in InviteSession.cxx?
>>resiprocate-devel mailing list
>>resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org

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