[reSIProcate] Handling unanswered INVITE requests

Dominique Prunier dominique.prunier at micromedia-int.com
Tue Aug 17 09:00:28 CDT 2004


I have the same problem and i may have found something for the (1) but i
have not tested it yet.
When you create an InviteSession, you can give your own AppDialogSet which
has a cancel function.
Though, i wonder if this function can cancel these kind of invites, i will
give it a try today.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dmitry Semyonov" <dsemyonov at dins.ru>
To: <resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org>
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 3:21 PM
Subject: [reSIProcate] Handling unanswered INVITE requests

> Hello.
> I'm sending INVITE to non-existing IP via DUM.
> I want to be able to
> 1) cancel retransmissions of such INVITE.
> 2) know whether DUM is still retransmitting the request or not.
> I can't do either (1) or (2) since I don't know the
> InviteSessionHandle, which is normally reported via onXxx() callbacks,
> because no callback is called in the described situation.
> Is it a missing functionality, or is it my misunderstanding of the
> DUM concepts?
> Thanks.
> ...Bye..Dmitry.
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