[reSIProcate] compilation issues

Klaus Darilion klaus.mailinglists at pernau.at
Mon Aug 16 01:46:50 CDT 2004

Klaus Darilion wrote:
> Finally a question: if the basicRegister application terminates, it 
> raises an error:
>   Debug Assertion Failed!
>   Program: basicRegister.exe
>   File: dbgdel.cpp
>   Line: 52
>   Expression: _BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID(pHead->nBlockUse)
> I'm not familiar with assertions. Who is guilty in this case? my 
> configuration? the stack? the basicRegister application?

Looks like the failed assertion was introduced by me by fixing the 
compilation issue by introducing the temp auto_ptr. As I'm not familiar 
with auto_ptr I guess it will take some time for me to find the bug. 
Hints appreciated.


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