[reSIProcate] DUM: Sending ACK in response to BYE

Scott Godin slgodin at icescape.com
Thu Aug 12 10:30:31 CDT 2004

You don't ACK a BYE request - DUM sends the required 200 response.

Typical DUM callflow is:
Client Side:
1.  Call dum.makeInviteSession
2.  Add SDP (if required)
3.  dum.send to send invite.
4.  onNewSession gets called on first response from server with status >
5.  onProvisional gets called if server responds with a 1xx response
(excluding 100)
6.  onConnected gets called when server responds with a 2xx response.
ackConnection should then be called on the ClientInviteSession.
7.  To disconnect:  on the ClientInviteSession - call cis.send(cis.end()) -
this will send the BYE request.
8.  onTerminated is then called after receiving the 200 response to the BYE.

Server Side
1.  onNewSession gets called when an inbound INVITE is received.
2.  Server can then use ServerInviteSession to send provisional() - if
3.  Server uses ServerInviteSession to send accept() - adding any required
SDP.  This sends the 200 response to the client.
4.  onTerminated is called when client sends BYE.  DUM sends the 200

Hope this helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dmitry Semyonov [mailto:dsemyonov at dins.ru] 
Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2004 10:37 AM
To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: [reSIProcate] DUM: Sending ACK in response to BYE


Sorry for silly question - I've just started to look into DUM.

I took BasicCall example, and modified it to call to other SIP client.
I need to send ACK message in response to BYE, and I was going to
use something similar to InviteSession::ackConnection(). But I haven't
found any suitable method. Please, tell me how to finish INVITE
session correctly. Thanks.

Initially I expected DUM to send the ACK automatically.
It seems I don't understand DUM principles well enough...


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