[reSIProcate] SipStack changes

Jason Fischl jason at purplecomm.com
Wed Aug 11 15:22:20 CDT 2004

I changed a few things in SipStack today. Let me know if there is a 
problem checking these in.

Dialog.cxx: Dialog::makeResponse(const SipMessage&, int)
- compute to tag in this function instead of in Helper::makeResponse

- versions makeResponse with no Contact specified do NOT put a Contact 
in the response
- for makeResponse that is a 2xx and no Contact specified, it will 
create an empty Contact header to be filled in by the TransportSelector
- do not create a to tag in Helper::makeResponse

change definition of aBitSmallerThan
      template<typename T>
      static T aBitSmallerThan(T secs)
         if (secs < 38)
            return  secs - 2;
            return resipMax(T(32), resipMin(secs - T(32), 9*secs/10));

     template<typename T>
      static T aBitSmallerThan(T secs)
         assert(secs > 10);
         return resipMin(secs-5, 9*secs/10);

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