[reSIProcate] DUM: Overlapping requests questions (repost)

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at jasomi.com
Wed Aug 4 14:40:04 CDT 2004

[ Derek posted some fairly interesting and important questions. I am 
reposting and reparenting his questions so people with threading 
readers don't miss the follow-ups in case they marked the parent thread 
as uninteresting or read. -Alan]

I'm working on non-invite transactions in a Dialog, and how they 
with each other; here are some questions.

1.) If I'm in an INVITE dialog, and I send an INFO message(for example),
which I haven't received a response from yet, can I send a BYE or 
non-INVITE transaction?

2.) Can INFO/MESSAGE/etc be sent in an early dialog?

API questions:

1.) Which in dialog requests such as message should be part of the
InviteSession API and which should be part of a dialog level API?

2.) If overlapping non-INVITE transactions are allowed, should we allow 
in DUM?


Alan Hawrylyshen
reSIProcate Project Administrator
a l a n a t j a s o m i d o t c o m

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