[reSIProcate] resip stack statistics

Robert Sparks rjsparks at nostrum.com
Mon Jul 26 12:32:19 CDT 2004


When you get a chance, skim
(it's pretty long). It talks about the changes between mib-07
and the current mib-08, and the plans for finishing the mib

I don't think it will change what you're planning (said without
having read -07 or -08 yet), but it would be good to double check 
that we aren't diverging.


On Sat, 2004-07-24 at 13:37, Jason Fischl wrote:
> I am going to add in a module in the transaction layer that keeps track of
> the following statistics. I based some of this on the draft
> http://www.softarmor.com/wgdb/docs/draft-ietf-sip-mib-07.txt. This module
> currently doesn't contemplate dum but additional stats gathering could be
> added in for it.
> Requirements for the stats module:
> - can be compiled out (probably be default)
> - provide stats to the application asynchronously
> - stats delivered at a configurable interval
> - interval should be configurable at run-time
> - minimal performance impact (< 5%)
> - minimal memory footprint impact
> sipStatsInviteIns
> sipStatsInviteOuts
> sipStatsAckIns
> sipStatsAckOuts
> sipStatsByeIns
> sipStatsByeOuts
> sipStatsCancelIns
> sipStatsCancelOuts
> sipStatsOptionsIns
> sipStatsOptionsOuts
> sipStatsRegisterIns
> sipStatsRegisterOuts
> sipStatsPublishIns
> sipStatsPublishOuts
> sipStatsSubscribeIns
> sipStatsSubscribeOuts
> sipStatsNotifyIns
> sipStatsNotifyOuts
> sipStatsRetryInvites,
> sipStatsRetryByes,
> sipStatsRetryCancels,
> sipStatsRetryRegisters,
> sipStatsRetryOptions,
> sipStatsRetryFinalResponses,
> sipStatsRetryNonFinalResponses
> sipStatsRetryPublishes
> sipStatsRetrySubscribes
> sipStatsRetryNotifies
> Some other stats that I am considering tracking:
> resipStatsTransportErrors // total number of transport errors
> resipStatsParseErrors     // total number of parse errors resulting in
> transaction failure
> // the following stats would be for a snapshot in time
> resipStatsTransportFifoSize // total for all transports
> resipStatsTUFifoSize
> resipStatsActiveTimers
> resipStatsOpenTcpConnections
> resipStatsActiveNonInviteTransactions
> resipStatsActiveInviteTransactions
> resipStatsPendingDnsQueries
> resipStatsMemUsed
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