[reSIProcate] DUM: Enqueue conference call

Rohan Mahy rohan at cisco.com
Fri Jul 23 12:23:21 CDT 2004


Sorry for the short notice.   I had a reply saved in my Draft folder 
that never got sent.

Could we shoehorn this in sometime before 3pm Pacific today?


On Jul 19, 2004, at 10:38 AM, Derek MacDonald wrote:

> DUM design team,
> I've talked w/ some of you about the possiblity of a conference call
> today(this afternoon) or tomorrow morning to push forward on the 
> enqueue
> part of the DUM api, and I'd like to set up a time.
> Rohan, I remeber enqueue being your brainchild, what time/day is good 
> for
> you? You get multiple votes:)
> Derek
> PS -- I may have lost some IM messages friday afternoon due to a 
> computer
> crash when I was away from my desk.
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