[reSIProcate] Resiprocate Stack Version Question

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at jasomi.com
Fri Jul 16 16:06:25 CDT 2004

On Jul 16, 2004, at 14:24, Seth, Ritesh wrote:

> I downloaded resiprocate-0.4.0.tar.Z from sipfoundry website. I am just
> wondering is there is any newer version available  ? If no then what is
> the best approach to get the latest fixes.

Hi Ritesh;

You can follow the instructions that are posted on the sipfoundry site 
for retrieving the code.

In short, you either need a subversion client (subversion.tigris.org) 
or WebDAV.

If you are using a mac, or a windows machine, you can just mount the 
repository read-only by
mounting the URI:


We expect that resiprocate-0.5.0 will be posted shortly, but we're 
waiting for the DUM
layer to settle down a little bit.


Alan Hawrylyshen
reSIProcate Project Administrator
a l a n a t j a s o m i d o t c o m

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