[reSIProcate] DUM -- enqueue/session modification thoughts
Derek MacDonald
Derek at xten.com
Wed Jul 14 13:50:16 CDT 2004
Fellow DUM people,
The long awaited enqueue discussion.
As some of you may remember, there was a plan to replace send with enqueue.
also once had a sendAnswerInAnyMessage() which would return the appropriate
SipMessage used to send an answer. Enqueue also allowed PRACK/UPDATE to
Another motivation for enqueue is when an INVITE transaction is complete but
ack has not been recieved. If the user requests another re-invite, it should
queued up until the ACK is received. InviteSession::end can also result in
delayed behaviour.
The basic method to replace send would be:
//returns true if message will be sent immediately, just informational
virtual bool enqueue(SipMessage& msg);
//returns true if message will be sent immediately, otherwise does
//not enqeue) This would be useful as a user may not wish to give if they
are in
//ACK limbo.
virtual bool sendImmediately(SipMessage& msg)
sendAnswerInAnyMessage() would be replaced by
//returns true if a message can be generated to transmit the SDP.
virtual bool enqueueSdp()
I think this method should only return true and enqueue a message if the SDP
be transmitted without affecting state of call establishment. ie, this
not generate a 200 to the initial invite. The only chance a user has to
the messages generated by enququeSdp is in onReadyToSend().
A sends INVITE (no offer) to B
B 200's and provides an offer
A ACKs with an answer
B gets onNewSession
B calls setOffer
B calls accept(), then enqueue with the sipmessage returned by accept as a
when B calls enqueue, it sends the 200 with the offer
A gets onConnected and onOffer
A calls setAnswer
A calls enqueueSdp() - no params
Note that enqueueSdp deprecates ackConnection and acceptOffer.
** Session Modification **
Session modification can be broken up into those that require user approval,
those that don't.
>From RFC 3311, section 5.1
Although UPDATE can be used on confirmed
dialogs, it is RECOMMENDED that a re-INVITE be used instead. This is
because an UPDATE needs to be answered immediately, ruling out the
possibility of user approval. Such approval will frequently be
needed, and is possible with a re-INVITE.
So although we were planning on merging re-invite into modifySession, it may
a different method.
modifySessionUserApproved ... or reInvite, with appropriate callbacks in
Should onDialogModified always be called for any session modification.
What are the 'appropriate callbacks' in InviteSessionHandler
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