[reSIProcate] DUM and ending InviteSessions

Scott Godin slgodin at icescape.com
Fri Jul 9 08:25:22 CDT 2004

Hi Guys,


I've noticed something that may need correct in DUM - I just want to make
sure I'm right with these statements before proceeding:

1.	The ClientInviteSession should not throw an exception if end() is
called in the Proceeding state - it should send a CANCEL.
2.	The UAS - ServerInviteSession currently will send a BYE (via end())
in the Accepting State - but I'm pretty sure this is not valid - it needs to
wait until it transitions into the Connected state (ie. Receives the ACK)
before it can send the BYE.... Some quotes from RFC3261:


RFC3261 - 13.2.2 - "If the 2xx contains an offer (based on the

rules above), the ACK MUST carry an answer in its body. If the offer in the
2xx response is not acceptable,

the UAC core MUST generate a valid answer in the ACK and then send a BYE


RFC3261 - 15 - "A UA MUST NOT send a BYE outside of

a dialog. The caller's UA MAY send a BYE for either confirmed or early
dialogs, and the callee's UA MAY

send a BYE on confirmed dialogs, but MUST NOT send a BYE on early dialogs.
However, the callee's UA

MUST NOT send a BYE on a confirmed dialog until it has received an ACK for
its 2xx response or until the

server transaction times out."


If I'm right - any thoughts on how to deal with this?



Scott Godin

Research and Development

Computer Talk Technology

slgodin at icescape.com



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