[reSIProcate] compiles on VxWorks VS6.0

martin.van.den.berg at philips.com martin.van.den.berg at philips.com
Wed Jun 30 06:59:14 CDT 2004

I've got the 1th part (util.lib) compiled on VS6. Here is what you should 

0. install the latest VS6 service pack

1. Create a win32 static library project, include all os\*.cxx and 
os\*.hxx files.

2. Where you get the error "error C2512: 'basic_ostream<char,struct 
std::char_traits<char> >' : no appropriate default constructor available" 
replace the "std::XXstream" with "std::basic_XXstream<char, 
std::char_traits<char> >" 
(where "XX" is either "o", "i" or "io") - This is a notorious VS bug. 
Warning: in  a unicode build some parts require "unsigned short" iso 
"char"(?please verify)

3. Ignore any C4786 warnings, they are irrelevant and can be suppressed 
using #pragma warning(disable:4786)

4. Concerns a bit of less portable code: In Timer.cxx, the operator<< 
resip::operator<<(std::ostream& str, const Timer& t)
     // orignal code
    //str << "Timer[id=" << t.mId << " when=" << t.mWhen << "]";
   // end org code

 // modification for VS6
        str << "Timer[id=" << t.mId << " when=" ;
        unsigned long ul;  // warning: information loss is immanent!!
        ul = t.mWhen;
        str << ul << "]";
// end VS6 mod

    return str;

And it should compile. Warning: the last fix however is a subject to 
malfunction. The VS6 implementation of ostream<< operator doesn't support 
an UInt64 to be written (nor an unsigned __int64).

Perhaps its nice to add VS6 support using precompiled directives (e.g. 
#ifdef VS6)?

Have fun!


"Jason Fischl" <jason at purplecomm.com>
2004-06-29 05:51 PM

        To:     Martin van den Berg/HVS/BE/PHILIPS at PHILIPS
<resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org>
        Subject:        RE: [reSIProcate] compiles  on VxWorks VS6.0

It is currently known not to compile on VS6 and we do not know how much 
it would be to get it do so. It might not be a large effort. Also, I don't
have any information on vxworks although it does compile on QNX and has
built with gcc-2.95.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org
> [mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org]On Behalf Of
> martin.van.den.berg at philips.com
> Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 2:39 AM
> To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
> Subject: [reSIProcate] compiles on VxWorks VS6.0
> Is the resiprocate stack known to build on vxworks and/or visual
> studio 6? I am aware that it compiles on VS7 but need a VS6
> compilation. I'm in a experimental phase and need to have a look
> at the stack. If you have a projectfile, please share it with me.
> Thanks!
> Martin van den Berg

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