[reSIProcate] Mutex.cpp and RecursiveMutex.cpp Implementation s for Win32

Scott Godin slgodin at icescape.com
Thu Jun 24 09:38:54 CDT 2004

OK - I've done a bunch of research on the race condition in Condition.cpp
for windows users and came up with the following analysis:

A Note about the Win32 Implementation of Conditions
I have investigated a fix for this.  A solution to this problem is
non-trivial.  Please read http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/win32-cv-1.html
for a full explanation.  We currently use an implementation of the SetEvent
solution discussed in that article.  This solution has the following issues:
1.  Unfairness - ie.  First thread to call wait may not be first thread to
be released from condition.
2.  Incorrectness due to a race condition when a broadcast occurs 
(see the link for more details on these issues)

There is a solution that corrects these two problems, but also introduces 2
more.  This solution (also discussed in the link) requires the use of a
primitive only available in WinNT and above (SignalObjectAndWait).  It also
requires that the Mutex passed in be implemented using windows Mutexes
instead of CriticalSections - and they are less efficient.  Thus the
problems with this SignalObjectAndWait solution are:
1.  Not portable to all versions of windows - ie.  will not work with
2.  Less efficient than the SetEvent solution - more overhead

I propose we stick with the SetEvent Solution for the following reasons:
1.  Speed is important.
2.  The Unfairness issue is not really a big problem since the stack
currently does not call a wait function from two different threads.
(assuming the hosting application always calls process() from the same
thread).  The only time multi-threading comes into the picture is when the
stack is used in MutliThreaded mode and the transports queue messages from
the wire onto the stateMacFifo - but they are retrieved off the Fifo by a
single thread.
3.  The Incorrectness issue is also not a big problem, since the stack
currently doesn't use the broadcast member of this class.

I also propose that the implementation of the broadcast member (for win32)
remains incomplete - since it is currently unused and would require an
additional CriticalSection Enter and Leave to keep track of a counter (see
the above link for more info).  This can be easily added in the future if

Any thoughts?  I will add these comments to the source file if there is no



-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Kittlitz [mailto:ken at jasomi.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 1:40 PM
To: Scott Godin
Cc: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: Re: [reSIProcate] Mutex.cpp and RecursiveMutex.cpp Implementation s
for Win32

Scott Godin wrote:

>There seems to be an outstanding race condition in Condition.cxx for Win32
>comments in code are:
>// FixMe:  Race condition between time we get mId and when we 
>// re-acquire the mutex.
>I may work on this one, instead.
Thanks!  Getting rid of that race condition would be a Good Thing.

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