[reSIProcate] Mutex.cpp and RecursiveMutex.cpp Implementation s for Win32

Scott Godin slgodin at icescape.com
Tue Jun 15 12:36:24 CDT 2004

Thanks Ken,

Sorry about that.  I just realized I put it on my TODO list from the 0.4
release of reSIP - I see that in the SVN head it is there.  Thanks!

I did a quick search and it looks like RecursiveMutex is not used anywhere
in the stack anyway.

There seems to be an outstanding race condition in Condition.cxx for Win32 -
comments in code are:
// FixMe:  Race condition between time we get mId and when we 
// re-acquire the mutex.
I may work on this one, instead.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Kittlitz [mailto:ken at jasomi.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 1:04 PM
To: Scott Godin
Cc: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: Re: [reSIProcate] Mutex.cpp and RecursiveMutex.cpp Implementations
for Win32

Scott Godin wrote:

> Does anyone have Mutex.cpp and RecursiveMutex.cpp implementations for 
> Win32? If not - I will work on these.
Hi Scott,

Mutex.cxx (in resipricate/os ) should work under Win32 -- I fleshed out 
the implementation a month or two ago, along with that of Condition.cxx. 
RecursiveMutex.cxx still needs a Win32 implementation, though.

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