[reSIProcate] FW: DUM: ServerInviteSession State Machine

Derek MacDonald Derek at xten.com
Thu Jun 10 13:14:40 CDT 2004

Some of you(Jason and Rohan) have seen this already.  Alan, feel free to
channel yourself.  Dot works on cygwin, although it can't find helvetica.

>  -----Original Message-----
> From: 	Derek MacDonald [mailto:Derek at xten.com]
> Sent:	Wednesday, June 09, 2004 3:56 PM
> To:	'rmahy at cisco.com'
> Cc:	'jason at purplecomm.com'
> Subject:	ServerInviteSession State Machine
> Hi Rohan,
> I'm planning on coding this very soon, *without* prack,  and Jason and I
had some questions about the state machine.  I've attached a jpg and a dot
file if you feel like channelling Alan.
> I think there should be an "Accepting" state that lasts until an ACK to
the 200 is recieved, as we will have timers retransmitting that 200 until
that occurs, but I don't know if we had planned on this.
> Thanks,
> Derek
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