[reSIProcate] Stability for use in commercial release

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at jasomi.com
Tue Jun 8 12:23:44 CDT 2004

Hash: SHA1

On Jun 8, 2004, at 10:37, Craig Kaes wrote:

> I do, however, have some concerns about the stability of resiprocate.  
> I've
> seen postings of memory leaks and list a couple of my own problems 
> below.  I
> have three questions --
>     1) Are folks using this stack for commercial offerings?

Yes -- there are at least two companies using reSIProcate within more 
than 4 commercial projects.

>     2) For those who are, are you happy with it?

We are very happy with reSIProcate vs. many other libraries we 
evaluated or were using previously.

>     3) I've done my testing on the plain ol' tarball release (0.4.0).
> Should I be trying out head?  Is there a more recent label with fewer
> issues?

I would strongly suggest using the latest code from SVN. If you need a 
tarball, I'd be
happy to prepare a pre-0.5 tarball for you. There have been some fixes 
to some memory problems since 0.4.

These issues are certainly a high-priority concern for all of us 
relying on the stack commercially.

I am tweaking some of the things affected by the migration to 
subversion and SipFoundry, once these are complete there will be a 0.5 
tarball available.


Alan Hawrylyshen
Jasomi Networks Inc.
a l a n a t j a s o m i d o t c o m
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (Darwin)


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