[reSIProcate] resiprocate with ACE

kaiduan xie kaiduanx at yahoo.ca
Mon Jun 7 20:01:50 CDT 2004


I am also interested in this topic, to use ACE as the
platform. If time is allowed, I will do it.

 --- Mohammed Petiwala <mhpetiwala at yahoo.com> wrote: >
> I am using the resiprocate SIP stack (currently
> prototyping and trying to go through the code) maily
> the SIP parsing and building routines. It's one of
> the few SIP stacks that actually provides RFC3261
> compliance and is very object oriented and
> cross-platform (i use it on Windows 2K with .NET
> 2003)!! 
> I am not using the TU or DUM (haven't really gone
> through the code on that side yet) but I do use the
> ACE framework for the TLS (ACE internally provides a
> OO wrapper to openSSL) transport and lower level
> handling including notifications and timers etc. and
> ACE too being crossplatform provides a lot of
> complementary capabilities)
> Do you folks think of using ACE as the lower layer
> for the stack, as this would provide a very scalable
> and portable addition to resiprocate.
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> Mohammed.
> P.S. The only thing that this stack lacks!! is
> documentation - really need documentation and simple
> user examples to get users start using the stack
> without having to go through the whole code.... ;-)
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